Here are some of the common questions about Agapay.


Agapay’s mission is to spread the culture of giving back to the community all while providing elite customer service and lower prices. Agapay donates 5% of its gross revenue from our partnership to a nonprofit of your choice. Meaning each and every transaction gives towards a cause. Since our inception, we have given over $12,000 to many organizations including Susan G. Komen®, Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation, and CHOC Children’s Hospital. The best part is that we work with you to see that the funds go where you want them!
At Agapay, our primary focus is on our customers. Our well-trained staff is ready to assist you to remove any hassle. Instead of calling into a large call center, you call directly to one of our staff who is always available to help. When we don’t know the answer, we will work tirelessly to get it. If it requires additional support, we will set up the call helping you to avoid long wait times. We are available via email, text, and Skype instant messaging for quick responses.

New Accounts

We can do business in all 50 states. We currently have offices in the Philippines and are looking to expand even further.
Our rates are determined on a case by case basis, depending on your needs, services and business type. This increased flexibility allows us to provide a customized plan to suit your individual needs – no pre-packaged, one-fee-fits-all programs. In most every case we can save you money!
At Agapay we strive to give you the flexibility to accept payments however you desire. We have options for all different types of business such as retail, online, mobile, mail order, telephone order, and more. We help you to determine the best option for you. We are then always there to help you implement and maintain them so you can run your business smoothly.
Typically a decision is made within 2-4 business days after the application is submitted. However, depending on the business type, industry, and risk level additional documents and verification may be required during the decision process.
For most accounts all we need are a signed application, three months of processing statements and proof of a valid business. Depending on your industry, or how you process credit cards, there may be an additional request for documents or financials, but we make the process fast and easy.
It is an amount paid in processing every credit card transaction. We help you find out what you are currently being charged and work with you to save money on each transaction.


Chargeback – When a customer issues a complaint to their credit card company, a chargeback is issued. These include the unauthorized use or fraud, failure of delivery, wrong items or orders (wrong color, size, etc.), overcharged, etc. When a chargeback occurs, the amount in dispute and a chargeback fee will be deducted from the business’s account, and a letter will be sent to the store requesting documentation and an explanation. Once the business’s response is received, a determination is made, if the business wins the dispute, the money is returned (minus the fee that was charged). If the merchant loses, the money is returned to the cardholder.

Retrieval – A retrieval occurs when a customer or card issuer questions the validity of a charge. Generally, a retrieval is satisfied by submitting the signed transaction receipt/ credit card authorization and a copy of the itemized receipt or invoice. If a merchant fails to respond within the specified time or does not provide appropriate documentation, the retrieval can become a chargeback.
This could be based on several factors such as the industry type, average transaction amount (frequently over $500), the financial health of the business, and more. This is a designation set by your bank and some industries have a higher likelihood of receiving chargebacks, for example. Because of the liability and potential for loss associated with credit card processing, the risk is being managed carefully. Agapay will help you navigate that system.


EMV stands for Europay International, Mastercard and Visa. We see it as the chip in the debit/credit card and it provides extremely secure credit card payments. The actual chip itself is a mini-processor and encrypts each payment transaction. This makes every transaction unique and secured throughout the entire process which takes seconds. It protects you as a merchant as well as your customers.
PCI refers to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). These standards are in place to protect consumer credit card data and prevent fraud. PCI Non-Compliance generally refers to the non-completion of the annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). We here at Agapay are here to help you remove this common fee.


The deposit time varies based on your industry and business type. For many retail businesses, upon approval from our underwriters, we can provide funding on the next business day. Most other businesses will likely see their deposits in 2-3 business days.
Absolutely. Agapay supports mobile payments on most cell phones and tablets. Whether you want to type in a card number or use a compatible swipe or chip reader, we have a solution that will work for you.
First, we must understand there are two parts to every credit card transaction; authorization and capture. When a customer swipes or enters their card number an authorization request is sent to verify funds and a hold is placed on their account for the transaction amount. Capture is when a transaction is processed and the funds are transferred from the cardholder’s account to the business. Capturing should be done daily, by you, the merchant.

Void – A void can only occur before payment has been captured. When a void is processed, the transaction is cleared from the terminal before settlement, so the money will never move from the cardholder’s account, and the hold will drop off within 3-5 business days.

Refund – A refund is required when the transaction has been captured. A refund is the same process as a purchase, but in reverse. The amount is authorized and is captured when the terminal settles, and the cardholder will see the amount in their account within 3-5 business days.

Reversal – A reversal is similar to void. It must also be processed before capture (like a void), but differs in that a notice is sent to the cardholder’s bank to remove the hold. In order to process a reversal, your terminal must be programmed to process it.


We are proud to partner with many local businesses. Depending on the type of associations that you want, we have different programs available to you. Contact us directly at 1-800-644-3909.
Agapay has limited employee openings. However, we are always looking for exceptional and independent sales reps and affiliates. For more information on how to work with Agapay, send us an email at


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AGAPAY - Transactions that give

Agapay was founded on the idea that payment processing should be ethical and give back to the community. In pricing, structure and service, we will always do our best to give the most value and maximize service.
Agapay is a Registered Partner/ISO of Elavon, Inc. Georgia [a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp, Minneapolis, MN]
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